Chapter 10:Polite Conversation… alerts, interruptions, and updates

In this chapter What is discussed is the importance of good etiquette in app design, particularly in terms of how apps communicate with users through alerts, notifications, progress bars, and other elements. Alerts can be used sparingly and for urgent information only. Avoid using alerts for trivial or mundane announcements, as it may train users to ignore them. For Notifications, it should be used judiciously to deliver important real-time information. Badges which are (numbered red circles on app icons) should accurately represent the count of waiting messages or tasks.

 There are also Progress Indicators which Progress bars are effective in providing a visual representation of ongoing tasks and help users estimate remaining time. For communication style Use calm and descriptive language in alert messages. Consider adding a "WTF" button (What the Heck) to offer help and information in case of errors or unexpected events and for polite interaction, be considerate of users' time and attention by choosing the appropriate method and timing for communication.




Chapter 11:Howdy, Neighbor…playing nice with other APP’S


Chapter 9:Know the landscape, the spin on screen rotation