The Final
The 3 Strongest
My Final 3 I chose had the form and shape of something that corrodes or the shape of something that rusts like a nail.
For this Project I had to create a Word Project using the word Rusting. I could use only the letterforms/characters that spell my word to perform my word’s meaning. I was not permitted to use gradients, external shapes (circles, squares, triangles), lines, or patterns.My subject and focus is my word, and my primary tools are the letterforms of your word. Lastly I could only use Helvetica exclusively OR Minion exclusively. I looked up images and feelings that expressed the word Rusting, and this is what I got!
Created using Indesign
Est. 2021
I created Thumbnails for the word Rusting, at first I wanted to create the shape of Rusting in the molecular form that causes corrosion, but then I wanted to create shapes that felt out of place like something that corrodes.