Apple Redesign


For this project my group members and I had to choose a website to redesign, we came up with a list as well as the Analogous (Similar sites) and Disruptor ( Similar , but have strong different features) Sites. The main website we decided to redesign was Apple. The Analogous site we eventually went with was Spotify and YouTube being the disrupter. T worked on the Pop Playlist, Jasmine worked on Site Map, Jani worked on The New Artist Page and I worked on the Meet The New Artist Page. We also had to develop Personas to base the site design off of and how the user flow would go with the site.

Step 1:

I begun working on the wire frames for the Meet The Artist Page on the new redesign of Apple. First I had to sketch them and then work on the wire frames shows the layout of page and where the pictures, information, and other important design elements for this site would go once the design process starts.

Step 2:

Next I started on the initial mock up of the Meet The Artist section. I love color and wanted to incorporate that into it. The stars represented the New Artists my group and I wanted the user to focus on.

Step 3:

After further discussion we all created our own direction of how each page should on the new redesign apple pages. This included the main home page as well as the Meet The Artist page once you click on the artist. I added sound graphics I created as well as separating each category by colors.. There was a time line included to show a time elaspse of the new artists viewed by the user.

Step 4:

Once my group and I discussed the changes that were made to the design of Apple, I created new wire frames to show us how it would be laid out and where the information and pictures would go.

Final Step:

The last step included my final pages of Meet The Artist. One Page was for the first Persona who wanted to find new artists and become listeners of these artists , while the send Meet The Artist was for the user that wanted to stay with his country music likes, while maybe trying to try out new artists within that genre of music.

Final Project Altogether


Local Biz Website Design