Local Biz Site Design


For this project I designed a website for a local business in my neighborhood and I choose Suzi Q’s nail Salon located in Rochelle Park, New Jersey.. This is a nail salon I went to a lot and the atmosphere was cozy , at the same time they didn’t have a website at all, so I wanted to create one.

Step 1:

I created a Mood board, research board and design brief. The design brief is a description of what I want the website to be and about the company and which personas do I want to use as an example for using the website I designed. The mood board is a reflection of how I want the website to feel and the research board are the In person research of the photos and questions I took for helping me design the website for Suzy Q’s.


Step 2:

I designed the wireframes for how I wanted the layout to look and then I designed the logo for Suzy Q’s, because they didn’t have an actual logo for the nail salon just multiple random Suzy Q writings.

Step 3:

Next I created a couple of design direction and went with one design. For this step I created the revised home page, mobile version of the home page , as well as two inner page hi-fidelity comps.

Step 4:

The last step I created the Mobile and Webpages of the nail salon using the final colors and new design directions I went with. One of my favorite pages was the Color Picker page, where the customer can nail color to display on the AI hand that can also be changed any skin tone color.

Final Website for Suzy Q’s


Apple Redesign


iphone APP