iphone APP design


For this project I had to develop an iPhone App that is an essential service in the greater NY area. I used real data to find out the amount of free street parking their is in NYC and knew I had to create something for NYC and NJ drivers to find free street parking!

Step 1:

I created a concept brief as well as the features, functionality, audience types and rationale of who would purchase and use these APP.


Step 2:

Next I had to create the personas & scenarios.The primary person represented the user that would highlight the main features of the APP, while the secondary person gave an alternative direction for using my APP

Step 3:

Next I Created a Promo Poster to go with APP when the user see it advertised and I also created the design of APP of how it would look in light and dark mode and how it would look in the settings and notifications tab.

Step 4:

The last step I created the user flow for both Persona’s explaining how the APP would be used by each of them.

XD Prototype for Persona1


Local Biz Website Design