Make it stand
Week 2:
I next filled out the cells of the matrix in the appropriate squares (10"x10"). The matrix helped me to categories the different visuals that I had collected. To create the matrix, you start with one main image and then filled in the spaces that led to different themes, which included Emotive Elective-Personal, Elaboration, Referential-Universal and lastly, Reduction. I created 3 rough draft ones and then my Final Matrix, which was centered around the word loneliness and the introspective feeling of the word.
Week 3:
Lastly, I used the images from matrix and begin the evaluation process. I evaluated these images to see which ones showed strengths and weaknesses in communicating my message. I reduced and refined the amount of images towards the most appropriate images, images that best describe my word. I used sketched my designs and digitally translated them for prints and critiques. After that I chose the best one and refined it for my final poster design and printed that out.
Week 4:
My inspiration for these designs came from Charlie Chaplin because this entertainer encompasses the character I wanted to show, where he would have videos of himself laughing and dancing ,but really felt sad and lonely inside. The planet Pluto and the blackholes in each one represented that feeling of loneliness. The first shows a guy snorting a blackhole , depicting what could come from being alone and the second one has a worn hole showing how one could go from happy to an inside lonely feeling. However I went with the last one because it shows the actual movement someone being Happy on the outside but deep down inside, very sad and lonely!
In this project, I explored sign gathering, word and image interplay to help create a word poster towards a straightened visual communication application.
Created using Photoshop
10"x10" image matrix and then 18"x24" poster.
Est. 2023
Week 1:
I had to choose a word from a list given to me by my professor and the word I choose was, loneliness. Despite me having a lot of friends and loved ones, I wanted a word that would represent how I felt before and had a strong enough impact to create my poster and bring my ideas to life!
I started by searching for words that relate to my word or helped to further explain the meaning of the word I chose. I wrote a list of words and created a mind map to show how the words relate to my original word.
Next I gathered signs (icon, index, and symbol) that related to my word. I found a lot of images online and even took some myself that I felt represented the word I had chosen. These are some of the images I chose…