Make it stand


The combination of the continent of Africa with the Women’s Rights symbol, to create the decoration in the corner.


Redesign + Concepts

Lastly, before creating my banknotes, I had used everything I researched and knew to help create the currency. I used Phumi Mtetwa as the main figure because she was a progressive leader in South Africa, a feminist, queer and intelligent. I integrated the Gay Flag and the Africa country and women’s right logo together to create this new symbol. I used the White Waters Ridge for the front of the banknotes and extinct flowers for the back of each denomination to keep with the theme of extinction. The Table mountains is featured behind the flowers ,because its an important place to visit. I also included “Moeder Stad “ which means “ Mother City” in English, because that is the nickname for Cape Town, South Africa.

Passport Initial Design


Here I used a Gradient Mapping to create that smooth color transition and watched a video on how to create the money Engrave Effect.

Revised Design



I had to develop a currency system (front and back) of three sequential denominations (example 1,5 and 10 dollars). The denominations should reflect the existing numerical system of the chosen country, ie. Marks, francs, pounds.

This project would help me gain an understanding of a thematic conceptual approach to visual communication and problem solving, develop an understanding of Semiotics, the study of signs, and develop a better understanding of a systematic approach to design applications using type, image, form, color, and structure to strengthen these systems.


Created using Photoshop and Illustrator

128 x 70 mm

Est. 2023

Week 1:


I had to choose a country for me to design the currency for and after research on top African countries and cities that was the most progressive and Cape town , South Africa was at the top, So I went with that city. Next I looked up the history of the town and country so become familiar with its culture and currency.

Week 2:

Visual Research

Next I had to do visual research on the town and country. Cape town had important representations that I want to present on the currency. Some of these important symbols included the flowers of Cape Town that was going extinct. The Gay flag as well as the women’s rights symbol and even the vibrant colors of the area that showcased the beauty!

Next I researched their currency , which is called Rands. I looked and studied each part of the denominations and banknotes of Cape Town to inspire me on the design of mines. I learned that Nelson Mandela was the main face for each banknote and that a security ribbon, as well as images of each denominations included an extinct animal.


List of Words Project


Type & Image Sequence