Chapter 7: A Basis for Good Product Behavior:

In this chapter, I learned that there are answers to questions like What makes a design solution good?  Design Values are for the practice of design and being successful for it while Design Principles are guidelines you use to design good systems, service etc. and Design Patterns are solutions to design problems.

In terms of design values, designers should create design solutions that are: Ethical or helpful, pragmatic which is feasible, purposeful in helping user’s achieve their goals and Elegant which is how efficient and creates the perfect solution to consumer issues.

There is harm that can be caused from interactive products like physical, social, environmental, interpersonal, and psychological harm. At the same time human situations can be improved like increasing understanding, reducing social cultural tension, balancing cultural diversity, and even increasing the effectiveness. There is purposeful interaction design, as well as pragmatic and elegant ones.

Interaction Design Principles which talk about the issues of behavior form and content and supports the needs of users. The three categories are Conceptual principles, Behavioral principles and. Interface-level principles.

The types of interaction design patterns are postural which determine the overall product stance in relation to the user., behavioral that relates to specific interactions with data elements and structural patterns that solves problems with the arrangements of information on the screen.



CHAPTER 9: Platform and Posture (Pg. 207-224)


Chapter 18: Designing For the Desktop