CHAPTER 9: Platform and Posture (Pg. 207-224)

In this chapter, I learned that Desktop applications can be expressed in three categories of posture: sovereign, transient, and daemonic. Sovereign posture applications gain the users attention for a long time like emails. There should be a minimal visual style and designed for documents that be maximized inside the application unless told otherwise. The Transient posture comes and goes and should be helpful and clean and cause no mistakes by the user. The Transient applications should also have bright and clear surfaces and simple. Daemonic posture applications don’t interact with people and are quiet and inviable in the background like a printer driver.

I also learned that today’s websites can be grouped into three basic categories which is informational websites, transactional websites, and web applications and each of these types has its own postural considerations. Informational website posture are places where information is found. Transactional ones are for users to accomplish something beyond acquiring information, like online storefronts.  Lastly, Web application postures are complex behaviors that interactive.

The two applications Sovereign Web and Transient Web ones. If the products have complex and sophisticated functionality, then its sovereign and tends to deliver information for complex human activities and Transient ones are browser-based and uses functionality without needed to install every tool like filing taxes.






Chapter 7: A Basis for Good Product Behavior: