In this chapter I learned that once the iPhone came about, the mobile device user experience changed forever too. Here The iPhone brought in “ A giant, high-resolution, multi-touchscreen, an OS that specified on-screen controls big enough for fingers to use successfully ,A set of now-iconic gestural idioms that were relatively easy to discover and learn  and  A set of sensors delivering contextual information about orientation, location, ambient light, and movement that added an extraordinary level of intelligence to a new generation of mobile apps “

The Modern multi-touch mobile devices fall into three form factor categories: Handhelds , Tablets, and Mini-Tablets.  I learned that stacks are tall and narrow from factor that is used by most non-game mobile apps, while screen carousels are used more for dash board – like display and  goes from left to right with a swipe gesture.

With mobile apps there should be a tool bar that have hit areas, drag and drop should be avoided , pop up panels should point where they came off, there should be hierarchy and apps should stick to one orientation. When you design the embedded system of a smart phone, kiosk system then you should keep in mind that you should limit the scope, minimize input complexity, use modes judiciously ,not think of the product as a computer etc. With Automotive interfaces, you should minimize the amount of time hands are off the wheel, use direct control mapping choose input mechanisms and etc.













Introduction, Ch.1 Touch and Go, Ch.2 Is it Tap Worthy, Ch.3 Tiny Touchscreen, Ch.4 Get Organized


Chapter 9: Platform and Posture, Mobile Devices, Other Platforms and APP Good Posture