Week 6: Final Sequence

Based upon feedback received during critique, I crafted my own animated sequences toward final form. This had to be 30–45 seconds revised animated sequence of your Onomatopoeia Project created using After Effects. 


First my animation was all out of place and didn’t have a sense of order. I used the grid in after effects to set up my design more organized and used effects like the Gaussian blur to mare the words look blurry during the muffled sounding part of the audio I used!

Final Sequence ( Before Revised)!

My Final Revised Sequence:


Week 4 & 5: Typographic Score & Initial Sequence

For this Onomatopoeia Project, I was asked u to consider the semantics of typographic formatting and explore typography’s role as a vehicle to encode and share human experience. I Begun by translating a musical selection into guttural syllabic utterances—onomatopoeia—then used that text as content to typographically illustrate the structure and dynamics of the original musical form.  The specs were a Dimension: 1280 x 720px, Square Pixel, 30FPS (frame per second), H.264 Compression (Media Encoder) and had to be 30–45 seconds.


I couldn’t relate to the songs that was given so I went with the beat of Rihanna’s Whats my Name. I listened to the beat almost 20 times and then wrote down the main words I heard first and finally created a Typographic Score to show what I heard visually.

Initial Score


Warm Up - Exercises


Synesthesia Project