
Based upon feedback received during critique, we as a group ended up changing the cover page of project that I originally design to have the of leaves in it as a design element. The leaves in the cover was an important representation of the tone of the poem , which means it made sense. The colors really stood out in both of the designs of the cover page!

Final Process

After going over the project and getting feedback from our professor, we decided to edit the main face of protagonist to look straight forwarded even more and make the words more dynamic by adding more dimensions to the words with different sizes and placements of the poem.

Visual Research:

Final Accordian Project


Created using Photoshop & Indesign

3.25 x 3.25-inch

Est. 2023


Through a blind selection process, read and interpret a passage from a novel or a book of poetry. From phrasing/turns of phrase to word choice, make every effort “see” and “hear” your author.

The Specs included eight-panel, 3.25 x 3.25-inch accordion-fold booklet sandwiched by heavy covers, font choice(s), imagery, layout, typography up to you, 3 PMS colors, no more and no less and color screening allowed.

Process & Research:

For this project, my group and I had to read and interpret a passage from a novel, book, or poetry, we were given, The End of Autumn. First, I researched the poem itself after reading it, because the author had a French name and sometimes the tone of anything written in a different language can be misinterpreted when converted into a different language. After my group and I analyzed the poem for words we didn’t understand or words that stood out enough for us to help visually translate the poem into an accordion, we set up a shared document to put all our ideas and research into it. We decided what the poem was about and how our metaphorical representation was based on our own interpretations of the poem.

The color palette for the project could only be composed of three PMS colors. After researching what colors would fit the tone of the poem, we decided to go with a subtle and not too saturated orange, green, and blue. We used duotones and gradient mapping on the colors we choose. I researched images and imagery that dealt with Autumn, since I was head of the cover page. Clearly, leaves were a big element of this season and so it became the main component for the cover page as well as throughout the design.

The first panel featured my group members face, Rachelle staring straight. I gave the idea of that, because based on my research of images that represented the icy tone of the protagonist of The End of Autumn, the facial expression displayed that as well as beginning of what led the viewers to the feel of the poem. Further into research, a source for online imagery was found and thus helped to form the rest of the design of the accordion. I had researched images of leaves that can be photoshopped and used for the project. Images that were used in the design to visually communicate the metaphors we were interested in was color mapped so we wouldn’t go against the color specs that was given to us. Finally, I came up with the idea of having the words of the poem display in the way air or wind would look if it flowed the same way. Upon research of personal and different graphic designs, this idea of the words looking like this, had come to my mind and would invoke emotion and physical motion when looking at it. The final design of the project ended up being a beautiful and cleverly visually communicated design that told the viewer about the poem.




