Elements I created myself
Final Invitation Brochure
Final Collateral Item
Created using Photoshop, Indesign, & Illustrator
Three-panel, 8.5 x 12-inch C-fold
Est. 2023
For this project I had to fabricate a printed invitation and collateral designs for a fictional exhibition showcasing the work of a graphic design luminary.In order to achieve the completion of this project I had to research the life, motivations, and overarching theme(s) behind a graphic designer chosen by your group.
The specs included a three-panel, 8.5 x 12-inch C-fold,font choice(s), imagery, layout, typography ( which was up to my group and I, and a 2/2 (e.g., two sides, 2 PMS colors – no more and no less) and I was allowed to use color screening allowed.
Process & Research:
This was one of my favorite projects that I’ve done this semester for this class. My first research included the actual set up of the brochure itself so I know how the pages should look for an exhibit. Not only did you explain the set-up of one, but I watched a few videos and researched some finished brochure exhibits, I even found finished ones on the spotlight designer we chose, and I included the links in our shared document.
Next, it was time to choose the graphic designer. I wanted a female graphic designer, because it was woman’s history month, and females are powerful and beautiful designers. We landed upon April Greiman. The first thing searched up was where she’s from and what was her biggest contributions. I saw that her style was collaged and layered. She had bright colors and type that spiraled or was horizontal. I did research on her background, where she born and her style. Questions popped up in my head…
1.What adversities did you face as a woman designer?
2.Do you have a favorite design?
3. Being known as the bridge between analog and digital design, what inspired you to develop this style?
4.What other graphic design inspired your own style?
5.Did you receive any backlash for your poster design?
6. Not believing in the term graphic design what made you come up with that idea?
One poster that caught my attention was “please please me “because it was so exotic, and imagining a woman at that time doing something like this was probably frowned upon by the world. So, I wanted to see other achievements like her postal stamp design, Summer Poster Olympics becoming head design department at the California institute of the arts.
As I researched more, I saw that she was the “Queen of the New Wave” because she combined digital and analog to create beautiful and unique designs. Thus, this led me to my main question What challenges did Greimann face working with digital and analog media in a time where Digital work was just emerging? -Byron
After more research I saw that she went through a lot of adversities due to her being a woman with men making disrespectful comments towards her and a lot of designers wasn’t too fond of using the Mac for design. As I was reading, I wanted to know more about her typography style, and I loved despite the backlash and wanted to try something new and wasn’t afraid.
Hybrid Imaginary and the paintbox was two things I came across as I researched more about her. Most people don’t know much about the paintbox, but it helped her to understand the mac more to create these “Hybrid imaginary “the paintbox was one of the first graphic design tools used for broadcasters and even came with its own installed fonts, I even watched a video on how it was used. All this research helped me to use certain patterns in the brochure, different type (that she used in her work), shapes, layering, patterns. I followed her design style to help format the composition with shapes and cylinders and even the crown element over her head, this researched helped me grow as a graphic designer!
For the design I used for the mug, I created this, using a picture of April Greiman and then illustrated it for a fun cartoon look using Adobe Illustrator. Lastly, I color mapped it with the colors we choose for the project and there you have it, the cutest mug design!